Bellarine Agricultural Show Back 8 March 2026

The Bellarine Agricultural Show would like to thank the following businesses for their generous support

The 32nd Annual Bellarine Agricultural Show will be held in Portarlington on Sunday 9 March 2025 and the theme is all things Wool

We pride ourselves in being a traditional country show reflecting old-fashioned country values. There truly is something for everyone!

The Bellarine Agricultural Show provides an important forum for the rural community to gather together to showcase their wares, share their skills and educate the wider community. A prime example of this is the extensive array of produce, art and handcrafts on display throughout the pavilions. There are also various demonstrations on offer from sheep-shearing to lace-making.

The Bellarine Agricultural Society would like to take this opportunity to thank its supporters, sponsors and volunteers and looks forward to joining you on show day!

Things to See and Do

A new way to submit your competition entries

We are pleased to announce that from 2025, you will have a choice in the way you submit your competition entries.
For those that prefer to submit a paper entry, this option is still available.
2025 Show Schedules will be available at all of the usual places from Friday 22 November.
If you are a bit more computer literate, you may like to submit your entry online through ShowDay Online.
This is a fast and easy way to submit your entry, so give it a try!
Payments are now also available via direct debit.

Online Entries

Enter online via ShowDay Online and follow the links.  It is secure, quick and easy.  If you are entering online, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and the entry is accepted as signed.

Manual Entries

Each exhibitor must have their own entry form, which includes all classes.  Manual entry forms must be signed by the exhibitor.
Please note that incomplete entry forms will not be accepted.

Entry Fees

You now have the option of paying via direct debit.  Your entry will not be considered as completed until your entry fee has been received.  Please pay close attention to the entry fees listed at the beginning of each section as they can vary.

Closing Dates

Entries strictly close on the advertised closing dates.

Please ensure that you have read the Rules and Regulations, Conditions of Entry, closing dates and definitions. 

Thank You to our Sponsors and Supporters

Adventure Park HaveFun
Alison Marchant - Member for Bellarine
Australia Post Drysdale
Australia Post Portarlington
Australian Sewing Guild - South Western Region AutoPro Drysdale
Barnett-McGlade Family
Barwon Water
Beaders Guild of Geelong
Becks Honey
Bellarine Catchment Network
Bellarine Landcare
Bellarine Liquid Waste
Bellarine Photography Studio
Bellarine Sewing Centre
Bellarine Vintage Machinery Group Inc
Bellarine Wholefoods
Bellarine Woodworkers’ Group
Bennetts on Bellarine
Betta Steel Pty Ltd
City of Greater Geelong
Clifton Springs Men’s Shed
Community Bank Bellarine
Cryo Grind (Aust) Pty Ltd
Curlewis Golf Club and Driving Range
Customized Spreading
Daniels Donuts
Dan Murphy Bellarine

Drysdale Clinic
Drysdale Craft Shop
Drysdale Girl Guides
Four Seasons Waste
Geelong and District Poultry Club
Geelong Farm and Pet Supplies
Geelong Handweavers and Spinners Guild Geelong West Social Club Café
Gelora Park Semmintals, Portarlington
Graeme Brown
Hewitt and Whitty
HF Richardson
Heights Sewing Centre
Horseland Geelong
Jenkins & Son Fresh Seafood
Kilgour Wines
Kista Finance
Landcare Bellarine
Malcolm and Heather MacDonald
Murray Fencing
National Wool Museum
Nutrien Ag Solutions
Ocean Grove Camera and Photo
Portarlingon CFA
Portarlington Community Information Booth
Portarlington Cricket Club
Portarlington Football and Netball Club

Portarlington Golf Club
Portarlington Grand Hotel
Portarlington Mussel Festival Volunteers
Portarlington Neighbourhood House
Portarlington Tennis Club
Port Phillip Ferries
Proway Livestock Equipment
Q Train
Royal Geelong A & P Society
SeaRoad Ferries
Seascape Plumbing
Simpson's Bargain Basement Gifts
Springdale Community Centre
The Bellarine Railway
The Geelong Poultry Club
The Naked Sheep
The Port Report
The Springdale Messenger
Think Fencing
TLC Aged Care, Homestead Estate
TYD Automotive Services
Van Loon’s
Wallington’s WRG
Woolworths Kingston Village
Woolworths Portarlington
Yarn Me Calm
Yarns on Pakington

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